Happy Birthday Mom! (yesterday)
Happy Birthday Meg! (today)
31 weeks down and still counting! I can't believe we've made it this far.....I can't believe that I've been in the hospital for 33 days!
This week was pretty sureal. It did not feel like the holidays to me. Not to be "Debbie downer", but everyday pretty much feels the same in here. I had some great visitors and that helped time go by. Corey stopped by on her way home Christmas Eve. Mom and Alan were with us on Christmas Eve. Shane was of course with me at the hospital all of Christmas Eve and Day. I did get a special treat on Christmas Day - I was allowed to go outside!!!! This was the FIRST time that I had been outside in 29 days! Can you imagine? It was almost overwhelming. Shane took me out in a wheelchair for about half an hour and walked me all around the hospital and this little man made lake. IT WAS SO GREAT! The air smelled SO good and it felt SO good to have the sunshine on my face! I was also able to outside the day after Christmas. So, Mom took me outside for a minute and on a little tour of the hospital. The weather has not been so good over the last few days, so I've been on "lock down" again. However, I am hoping that it will be nice tomorrow so that I can go see our new vehicle FINALLY!!!
Yesterday was a tough day. I did not sleep well the night before. I also felt really strange all day. I don't know how to describe the feeling that I had except that I felt REALLY full. My belly was super tight and I felt like my abdominal muscles were being stretched. I got a great night's sleep last night and feel 100% better. My doctors think I felt bad for a couple of reasons....1) they believe that I was retaining water because 2) the babies had A LOT of fluid around them. Today, they still have a good amount of fluid around them, but not like yesterday.
The boys are still doing so good. They move around a LOT! If you catch it at the right time or are patient, you can actually watch them move. I think it's hularious! They move around mostly in the morning and at night. They like to sleep during the day. They each get the hiccups a lot and I feel so terrible for them when they do. I personally HATE having the hiccups! The other night two of them had the hiccups at the same time, it was too funny! They are still doing superb on their biophysical profiles each day - their scores are still perfect. They have yet to have a day where each of them did not get their perfect scores. Yep, these are MY boys! :)
We were originally scheduled to do their weights again on Monday, December 31; however, we're going to wait until Wednesday, January 2 to do their weights. Christy, who does the majority of the ultrasounds, is off work until then. It was simply my preference to wait until she gets back to do their weights. There are some other girls that come in when Christy is off of work, but they are not nearly as good a Christy is. I just want to make sure that we get the most accurate readings that we can. (My doctors agree!) So, look for another post from me then.......
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
30 weeks
We hit a milestone this week in making it to 30 weeks! Our next goal is 32 weeks. My doctors are telling that they see no reason why I can't make it to that goal. I personally feel pretty confident that I will make it to 34 weeks or longer.
The boys are doing so good. I am amazed every day when I go have my ultrasound done; they move around SO much. I just can not comprehend how they each find the room to move around. I should also note, they don't just move around a little......They turn around completely, switch sides, go from head down to head up. It's like we play this little game everyday to see what they've done! They are continuing to get their points each day on their biophysical profiles - they haven't gotten below their high score of 8 yet! :)
There was not a lot going on with me this week. My contractions seem to be under control, much to my relief! Other than that, there's not a whole lot to tell. Everyone (my doctors and nurses) tells me they are proud that I am behaving myself. I guess there not proud enough to let me go outside though. They did tell me that I could start misbehaving at 34 weeks, so I plan on holding them to it!
I have had a pretty steady stream of visitors, which certainly helps time go by pretty quickly! Mom, Alan, and Shane have been by several times and are always sweet enough to bring me something good to eat when they come. (In case you're wondering, I am SO tired of this hospital food!!) Reba came by to visit for a while and brought me the BEST hot fudge Sunday ever!!! (Don't worry, I checked with my nurse ahead of time and got her approval.) Shane's family (Ricky, Diana, Nathan, and Jordan) all came to visit yesterday and do Christmas with us. We had a good time visiting and hanging out. Later on Jason, Braley, and Addie paid us a wonderful suprise visit. It was great to hang out with them too. It certainly helps to have company and pass the time away. Marcus and Sally are on their way as I type, so I'm excited to see them as well.
It is definately different being in the hospital during the holidays. I feel like I'm missing out out on so much. But, I have to keep reminding myself that it could be a lot worse! There are some patients in here that are on hospital bed rest and they already have children. I imagine that it's super hard being away from them so much. I'll just keep hanging in there and taking it a day at a time. Happy Holidays to you all! More posts coming soon.....
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Pictures of our boys
I can not say enough nice things about the staff at the hospital. They are constantly doing nice things for me. The make me coffee when I'm craving it, the bring me chocolate when I'm craving it - they have all been really great to me during my extended stay.
Today, during my ultrasound I was talking to Christy, who does my ultrasounds most of the time, about all the photos that I have in my album. I asked if there was any way that I could get pictures burned on a disk and she said, "certainly"! So, she burned me a cd with all of the 4D photos that have been taken of the boys so far.
Here are some of the better 4D images that have been taken since I've been in the hospital. Please keep in mind that they are "wiggle worms" and do not like to sit still. Some areas of the images are blurred, but you will get an idea of what we try to see. Most of the time we are just able to see them in the regular ultrasound - these are when they want to "show off"! :)
Monday, December 17, 2007
We did the weights of each of the boys today. Suprisingly, it did not take as long as we thought to determine their weights. I won't keep you in suspense anymore.....
Baby A: 3lbs 6 oz
Baby B: 3lbs 3 oz
Baby C: 3lbs 6 oz
We can hardly believe that they have grown this much in only 2 weeks! All of the boys are STILL growing at a normal growth rate with what a single baby would be at this point. Actually, Babies A & C are above average and Baby B is the average size. Just a reminder, Babies B & C are the identical triplets, and their weights are a little different - but not by much!
The boys still have plenty of fluid around each of them, which means that there is still room for each of them to grow. I can tell that they are getting crowded in there, but they still find a way to flip around every day. I honestly don't know how they do it. I can sure feel them moving around all the time! Their movements are getting more pronounced each day.
Shane and I also finalized all of the paperwork to purchase on our Tahoe last week. I was able to see it before I was put in the hospital, but I have not been able to drive it. It's so strange to me that Shane and I have purchased a car that I have not driven! I asked my doctor last week if Shane could wheel me out to at least look at the inside of the Tahoe, he just laughed at me! Laughed at ME!!! So, Shane took a bunch of pictures of the inside and it looks SO good. I can't wait to take it for a drive.
Baby A: 3lbs 6 oz
Baby B: 3lbs 3 oz
Baby C: 3lbs 6 oz
We can hardly believe that they have grown this much in only 2 weeks! All of the boys are STILL growing at a normal growth rate with what a single baby would be at this point. Actually, Babies A & C are above average and Baby B is the average size. Just a reminder, Babies B & C are the identical triplets, and their weights are a little different - but not by much!
The boys still have plenty of fluid around each of them, which means that there is still room for each of them to grow. I can tell that they are getting crowded in there, but they still find a way to flip around every day. I honestly don't know how they do it. I can sure feel them moving around all the time! Their movements are getting more pronounced each day.
Shane and I also finalized all of the paperwork to purchase on our Tahoe last week. I was able to see it before I was put in the hospital, but I have not been able to drive it. It's so strange to me that Shane and I have purchased a car that I have not driven! I asked my doctor last week if Shane could wheel me out to at least look at the inside of the Tahoe, he just laughed at me! Laughed at ME!!! So, Shane took a bunch of pictures of the inside and it looks SO good. I can't wait to take it for a drive.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
29 Weeks
20 days in the hospital and counting...Another week down and I hope several more to go!
This week was pretty interesting. I had a pretty crazy night Tuesday night. I was apparently having some contractions, and had no idea at the time. While I was on the contraction monitor, which I am on twice a day, the nurse came in to inform me that I was having contractions. She called the doctor and gave me a shot in the back on my arm. The shot made me feel really weird! The best way to describe the feeling was that I was anxious. I was assured several times before taking the shot that it would not affect the babies. Amazingly, the shot calmed everything down and presto - no contractions!
Wednesday morning they decided to start me on a pill that helps control contractions, which I now take twice a day. They also decided to give me steroid shots that help with the babies lung tissue development and caused my face to become really red!
Thursday morning I woke up pretty early with contractions again, that I felt this time! They decided to put me on an IV drip of fluids in case I was dehydrated and also game me another one of the weird shots. It was a pretty crazy morning for me. I was SO glad when Alan and Mom got to the hospital to keep me company. Things again calmed down after I had the shot and I felt a lot better. My doctor came in to talk to me and calm my fears - he's so good! He basically said that my body is just really confused right now. I am carrying 3, 3lb babies - my body can't tell the difference in 3 babies verses 1 baby. So, my body thinks that I am carrying a 9lb baby and that it's time to deliver. He also told me that there were probably a few other reasons that I might be contracting......1) the pill that I am taking needs a few days to build up in my system and work properly 2) I have to drink LOTS of water, which I am not able to do at night when I'm trying to sleep.
I must assure everyone that I am doing much better! Since Thursday morning, my contractions seem to be under control. I am not getting much sleep at all because I wake up about every hour to use the rest room and drink more water. I am tired, but don't mind. I am doing this all for my boys - who are going to LOVE their Mom!! :)
My doctors are being so great! They see no reason why I don't make it to 33 or 34 weeks. We just have to keep a close eye on things. I am reassured that I am in the right place right now for me and the boys. My boys are doing so good!!! They have passed their biophysical profiles everyday with the highest points! I am SO proud! They still have plenty of fluid around them, which means that they have more room to grow. They move around and do flips constantly! We are having a BIG ultrasound tomorrow to determine their weights and growth over the past 2 weeks. I can hardly wait until then. I will definately post another update tomorrow, so please check in.
Love to you all-
This week was pretty interesting. I had a pretty crazy night Tuesday night. I was apparently having some contractions, and had no idea at the time. While I was on the contraction monitor, which I am on twice a day, the nurse came in to inform me that I was having contractions. She called the doctor and gave me a shot in the back on my arm. The shot made me feel really weird! The best way to describe the feeling was that I was anxious. I was assured several times before taking the shot that it would not affect the babies. Amazingly, the shot calmed everything down and presto - no contractions!
Wednesday morning they decided to start me on a pill that helps control contractions, which I now take twice a day. They also decided to give me steroid shots that help with the babies lung tissue development and caused my face to become really red!
Thursday morning I woke up pretty early with contractions again, that I felt this time! They decided to put me on an IV drip of fluids in case I was dehydrated and also game me another one of the weird shots. It was a pretty crazy morning for me. I was SO glad when Alan and Mom got to the hospital to keep me company. Things again calmed down after I had the shot and I felt a lot better. My doctor came in to talk to me and calm my fears - he's so good! He basically said that my body is just really confused right now. I am carrying 3, 3lb babies - my body can't tell the difference in 3 babies verses 1 baby. So, my body thinks that I am carrying a 9lb baby and that it's time to deliver. He also told me that there were probably a few other reasons that I might be contracting......1) the pill that I am taking needs a few days to build up in my system and work properly 2) I have to drink LOTS of water, which I am not able to do at night when I'm trying to sleep.
I must assure everyone that I am doing much better! Since Thursday morning, my contractions seem to be under control. I am not getting much sleep at all because I wake up about every hour to use the rest room and drink more water. I am tired, but don't mind. I am doing this all for my boys - who are going to LOVE their Mom!! :)
My doctors are being so great! They see no reason why I don't make it to 33 or 34 weeks. We just have to keep a close eye on things. I am reassured that I am in the right place right now for me and the boys. My boys are doing so good!!! They have passed their biophysical profiles everyday with the highest points! I am SO proud! They still have plenty of fluid around them, which means that they have more room to grow. They move around and do flips constantly! We are having a BIG ultrasound tomorrow to determine their weights and growth over the past 2 weeks. I can hardly wait until then. I will definately post another update tomorrow, so please check in.
Love to you all-
Sunday, December 9, 2007
28 weeks
Happy Birthday MamaDoris! :)
This week has gone by pretty quickly! I have officially been in the hospital 13 days and 12 nights, with many more to come. Doesn't that sound like a long time? It really isn't when I compare myself to other mothers on my hallway. There one lady with twins that has been here since the first of October and another lady with twins that has been here since the first of November. I was also told that the last lady that was here with triplets, about a year ago, had to come in a 18 weeks and delivered at 35 weeks. So, I consider myself fortunate because I don't have to be here as long as any of these other ladies.
Don't get me wrong, I am going a little stir crazy! However, I have lots of things to keep me busy. Mentally, I am doing great. Physically, I feel myself getting more and more tired. The staff is just wonderful and takes real good care of me. I will admit that I have gotten pretty lazy since I have been in the hospital. But in my defense, I can't really do much of anything except lay in bed. I get to lay around in really comfortable clothes all day and night. Don't worry, I am still taking showers, brushing my teeth and my hair - that's about the extent of my grooming! This is why there are no pictures being posted of me! ;)
I get to see the boys every day now. I have an ultrasound every morning and they are doing the biophysical profiles everytime I go. These boys definately take after their dad because they have had some stubborn moments. There have been times when we need them to move around, but they want to sleep. I have to have a little talk with them and then they get to moving around. The boys don't have any problem moving around at night when I'm trying to sleep! I am also being hooked up to a monitor twice a day to monitor their heartbeats and for contractions. No contractions, and the boys have really strong heartbeats. It's actually kind of hard being on the monitors and something that I really don't enjoy. I have to lay pretty still on my back and it's really hard with the weight of the babies pressing on me. It's only for about 20 minutes each time.
I received some great news about my gestational diabetes this week. Because things have been going so well, they are only checking my blood sugar once a day now. The time that I am being checked varies from day to day. For example, tomorrow they will check my blood sugar after breakfast, then on Tuesday it will be checked after lunch. I am glad that I get to be just a little bit more relaxed with my meals. However, they still won't let me have a Hershey bar. I keep asking, but no one wants to bend the rule on that one!
I also got to take a tour of the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) this week. It made me feel so much better! The NICU at this hospital is truly top of the line. Shane and I have prepared ourselves for the fact that our boys may and probably will have to go to the NICU. The longer I carry them, the less time they will have to spend in there. Triplets are considered full term at 37 weeks, so I am trying to make that my goal for delivery.
This coming week will be my last week of work for a while. I will be finishing up some last minute things and getting my teams prepared to work without me for a while. I am sure that you all know this is going to be really hard for me, but I am sure that I will survive. This will give me a chance to watch some of the movies and read some books that everyone has sent to me. In all honesty, I'm looking forward to some good nap times!
Shane was "on call" for work this past week, but snuck over to see me when he could. He was able to spend the night over the weekend. I was so glad to have the company sure sure! We did sell our Maxima this week. I was sad that I didn't get to say a proper good-bye to that lovely car. Things should be finalized this week on the purchase of our Tahoe. I can't wait to see it! We are hoping that Shane will be able to take me outside for a minute to see it when the purchase is finalized. Shane's stepdad, Ricky, and our friend Scott Chilton were able to come over this weekend to help Shane finish the dog house and fence. Shane and Ricky put a lot of work into the that project two weekends in a row! Shane was able to send me pictures - it looks so good! It's just so crazy to me that all of this is going on while I am stuck in the hospital. You all know that I'm use to having my hands in everything. :)
I am still committed to blog more often, but that probably won't start until next week. I know I'll be busy finishing up some loose ends this week. I do not think that there will be too much exciting going on this week anyway. They are not going to do the baby's weights again until next Monday. I will be sitting on pins and needles until then. I can not wait to see how much they have grown.
This week has gone by pretty quickly! I have officially been in the hospital 13 days and 12 nights, with many more to come. Doesn't that sound like a long time? It really isn't when I compare myself to other mothers on my hallway. There one lady with twins that has been here since the first of October and another lady with twins that has been here since the first of November. I was also told that the last lady that was here with triplets, about a year ago, had to come in a 18 weeks and delivered at 35 weeks. So, I consider myself fortunate because I don't have to be here as long as any of these other ladies.
Don't get me wrong, I am going a little stir crazy! However, I have lots of things to keep me busy. Mentally, I am doing great. Physically, I feel myself getting more and more tired. The staff is just wonderful and takes real good care of me. I will admit that I have gotten pretty lazy since I have been in the hospital. But in my defense, I can't really do much of anything except lay in bed. I get to lay around in really comfortable clothes all day and night. Don't worry, I am still taking showers, brushing my teeth and my hair - that's about the extent of my grooming! This is why there are no pictures being posted of me! ;)
I get to see the boys every day now. I have an ultrasound every morning and they are doing the biophysical profiles everytime I go. These boys definately take after their dad because they have had some stubborn moments. There have been times when we need them to move around, but they want to sleep. I have to have a little talk with them and then they get to moving around. The boys don't have any problem moving around at night when I'm trying to sleep! I am also being hooked up to a monitor twice a day to monitor their heartbeats and for contractions. No contractions, and the boys have really strong heartbeats. It's actually kind of hard being on the monitors and something that I really don't enjoy. I have to lay pretty still on my back and it's really hard with the weight of the babies pressing on me. It's only for about 20 minutes each time.
I received some great news about my gestational diabetes this week. Because things have been going so well, they are only checking my blood sugar once a day now. The time that I am being checked varies from day to day. For example, tomorrow they will check my blood sugar after breakfast, then on Tuesday it will be checked after lunch. I am glad that I get to be just a little bit more relaxed with my meals. However, they still won't let me have a Hershey bar. I keep asking, but no one wants to bend the rule on that one!
I also got to take a tour of the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) this week. It made me feel so much better! The NICU at this hospital is truly top of the line. Shane and I have prepared ourselves for the fact that our boys may and probably will have to go to the NICU. The longer I carry them, the less time they will have to spend in there. Triplets are considered full term at 37 weeks, so I am trying to make that my goal for delivery.
This coming week will be my last week of work for a while. I will be finishing up some last minute things and getting my teams prepared to work without me for a while. I am sure that you all know this is going to be really hard for me, but I am sure that I will survive. This will give me a chance to watch some of the movies and read some books that everyone has sent to me. In all honesty, I'm looking forward to some good nap times!
Shane was "on call" for work this past week, but snuck over to see me when he could. He was able to spend the night over the weekend. I was so glad to have the company sure sure! We did sell our Maxima this week. I was sad that I didn't get to say a proper good-bye to that lovely car. Things should be finalized this week on the purchase of our Tahoe. I can't wait to see it! We are hoping that Shane will be able to take me outside for a minute to see it when the purchase is finalized. Shane's stepdad, Ricky, and our friend Scott Chilton were able to come over this weekend to help Shane finish the dog house and fence. Shane and Ricky put a lot of work into the that project two weekends in a row! Shane was able to send me pictures - it looks so good! It's just so crazy to me that all of this is going on while I am stuck in the hospital. You all know that I'm use to having my hands in everything. :)
I am still committed to blog more often, but that probably won't start until next week. I know I'll be busy finishing up some loose ends this week. I do not think that there will be too much exciting going on this week anyway. They are not going to do the baby's weights again until next Monday. I will be sitting on pins and needles until then. I can not wait to see how much they have grown.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Growing, growing, growing.....
(This is what Hope will look like again December 2008!)
Today was a great day! My high risk doctor ordered an ultrasound to determine the boys weights this afternoon and all went well. I know you are all anxious to know how the boys are growing, so I won't keep you in suspense.
Baby A: 2lb 9oz
Baby B: 2lb 7oz
Baby C: 2lb 10oz
Can you believe how much they have grown in 3 short weeks? Shane and I are just thrilled with their progress. I was not expecting that much growth in such a short amount of time! That's almost 1lb for each baby.
They also did a "biophysical profile" on each of the boys today. This is when they check to make sure that they have plenty of fluid around each of them. Also that their little hearts, stomachs, and bladders are working good. Lastly, they look to make sure that they are all moving around, turning, and practicing breathing. The profile is done on a point scale, with the highest point of 8 being achievable. All of our boys got an 8 out of 8! Again, Shane and I as well as our doctors are just so thrilled with how they are doing!
I also got to see something really neat when they switched to the 4D ultrasound. All of the boys were moving around, Babies A & C had the hiccups! They all had their backs to us until the very end when Baby A turned around. I was able to see him open his eyes. It was SO cool! :)
I am hoping that they will give me permission to go out in a wheel chair tomorrow. My high risk doctor said that he needed to think about it. They did take me about 3 halls over today in a wheel chair to have the ultrasound done. Let me tell you, it was a real thrill to actually leave my room after 6 days! Then to see how well my boys were doing, it was truly a good day all around!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
27 Weeks
Happy Birthday Shane! :)
As of today, I've been in the hospital 6 days. I have been doing my best to keep myself busy during the day. All of our family and friends have been SO kind with their phone calls, emails, and visits. I am enjoying ALL of the communication for sure! Please keep it up as I am bound to be here a while.
My day starts pretty early and doesn't end until late at night. In between the visits from all the staff I am able to continue doing work for my company. I really like being able to still work. Everyone keeps asking if I need books or anything. Shane brought me a few from home, but I have not had time to start any of them! All in due time, I suppose.
Shane's step-dad, Ricky, was kind enough to come over to our house on Saturday to help Shane with the dog fence and dog house. Can you believe that our puppies are being banished to live in the great outdoors? Well, everyone except my Luke - I hoping! Shane's Mom and cousin, David, and Ricky came over on Saturday night to visit me at the hospital and to help Shane finish stuff around the house. I have not had a chance to do any of to wash any of the baby blankets, sheets, or clothes. So, Mrs. Diana was kind enought to come over and do that for us. It was SO nice to have some company at the hospital and SO nice of them to come help Shane do some work. I just wish that I could be there to help too.....
My Mom and Alan are doing all they can to take care of me. They have both been running errands for me, even doing my laundry! Between everyone helping us out and the nurses and hospital staff waiting on me, I don't know how I will adjust to life at home when I have to go back home and fend for myself.
My friend Corey paid me a suprise visit tonight, it was such a nice suprise and she came bearing goodies! :) She has assured me that my belly has grown over the last few weeks, but we are both sure that I have more room to expand.
I will go for an in-depth ultrasound sometime tomorrow. We will be able to see how much the boys weigh and I am just too excited! I get to hear their heartbeats 3 times a day and they all sound great. I am doing great also. We're just taking it a day at a time.
Love to you all
As of today, I've been in the hospital 6 days. I have been doing my best to keep myself busy during the day. All of our family and friends have been SO kind with their phone calls, emails, and visits. I am enjoying ALL of the communication for sure! Please keep it up as I am bound to be here a while.
My day starts pretty early and doesn't end until late at night. In between the visits from all the staff I am able to continue doing work for my company. I really like being able to still work. Everyone keeps asking if I need books or anything. Shane brought me a few from home, but I have not had time to start any of them! All in due time, I suppose.
Shane's step-dad, Ricky, was kind enough to come over to our house on Saturday to help Shane with the dog fence and dog house. Can you believe that our puppies are being banished to live in the great outdoors? Well, everyone except my Luke - I hoping! Shane's Mom and cousin, David, and Ricky came over on Saturday night to visit me at the hospital and to help Shane finish stuff around the house. I have not had a chance to do any of to wash any of the baby blankets, sheets, or clothes. So, Mrs. Diana was kind enought to come over and do that for us. It was SO nice to have some company at the hospital and SO nice of them to come help Shane do some work. I just wish that I could be there to help too.....
My Mom and Alan are doing all they can to take care of me. They have both been running errands for me, even doing my laundry! Between everyone helping us out and the nurses and hospital staff waiting on me, I don't know how I will adjust to life at home when I have to go back home and fend for myself.
My friend Corey paid me a suprise visit tonight, it was such a nice suprise and she came bearing goodies! :) She has assured me that my belly has grown over the last few weeks, but we are both sure that I have more room to expand.
I will go for an in-depth ultrasound sometime tomorrow. We will be able to see how much the boys weigh and I am just too excited! I get to hear their heartbeats 3 times a day and they all sound great. I am doing great also. We're just taking it a day at a time.
Love to you all
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