Monday, July 27, 2009

Daddy's boys

The boys have been busy today! Here are some pictures from this morning. The amazing part is that I got these photos in this order. Clay, Paul, and Seth remind me so much of their Dad. Each of them are VERY different, but they each share some of their Dad's same characteristics...They like to work on their cars, they enjoy staying busy around the house, and they LOVE to be outside!
Clay flipped the 4-wheeler over and decided to work on the tire.
Clay working on the front tire, while Paul supervises.
Paul working on the front tire.
Seth had to work on the front.
After they were all done, Clay was ready to go!
Seth fixing the bug.
Seth, Clay, & Paul watching the humming birds fly around the feeder out front.


todd said...

good stuff hope! your boys are growing up fast.

Unknown said...


I notice you like to work on ATVs. I hope you know a little about cars. My car is leaking oil and my engine is making a horrible pinging sound. Can you fix it? Please give me a call at 555-212-1212.

Thank you,
Big Pete

P.S. If you ever want to go into business, Triple Threat Auto Shop is a fantastic name...

Anonymous said...

Aww they are so cute!! And they work on cars and ATV, how cool. Ha ha

Thanks for stopping by my blog your garden is beautiful and I am so happy you guys enjoyed the Jalapeno Jelly!