I would also like to say that we can NOT wait until the boys are out of diapers. Whew, those things are expensive - we go through A LOT! That being said, I did not post an earlier shopping trip where I stocked up on dog food, diapers, and milk. We are also having to buy 2 kinds of milk right now, Regular and Soy. We have a suspicion that one of our guys has a milk allergy. We'll know for sure next week.
Would any of you readers care to guess how much money ($$$) we spend on diapers in a 12-month period? Leave a comment on my blog page and I will randomly pick the person who gets closest without going over. The winner will receive a pack of 6 of my handmade Daffodils & Dragonflies greeting cards, shipped to you FREE anywhere in the United States. So, come on leave a comment let me know what do you think?
High efficiency Laundry detergent ~ $3.24
4 containers of organic juice ~ $.50 each
2 Lysol spray, 2 wipes ~ $.50 each
2 shave cream ~ $.99 each2 travel body wash ~ $.10 overage
1 toothpaste ~ $.75 overage
Total savings this week (includes only items shown in photos):
Retail value: $88.10
Total spent: -$23.30
Total savings: $64.80
Don't forget to leave your comment for the greeting card giveaway! Winner will be chosen Saturday, June 27 by 7:00pm.
i'm going to guess around $1800 per year....blessings to you on this journey. i've loved reading up on your little fellows! :-)
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
You're one awesome Mom with an annual diaper tab of $2,003.00.
We marvel at the job you and Shane do. You guys make us proud.
Keep up the great work & smile.
Corey's Pop
With those coupon totals, I am guessing you probably don't spend more than $450
you are quite the bargain shopper!! i'm going to guess at 2400.00
wow. God bless ya... 3x! you must be tired. im exhausted with 1! as for diapers... depends... are you going with the store brand or the huggies/pampers... i will guess with good shopping and coupons you could do it for $1500.
we just found out my son is allergic to milk two weeks ago. quite a change in our life style! and soy is so expensive!
sabeckstrom at yahoo dot com
Great deals you got! Does anyone have the pdf file on the Santa Cruz juice saved? I forgot to save it and now it is gone and we love it! I would appreciate it. Our email is dkak75@comcast.net.
Thanks a bunch!
I'm going to guess $1200 on the diapers. It's probably low, but I'm counting on gifts from others. (We still get gifts of disposable diapers from people, and we're on our third baby and use cloth 95% of the time.)
God bless you! I love my kids, but am very thankful they came one at a time over almost five years.
By the way, I would not use cloth with triplets. I'm sure it's been done, but it just can't be worth it!
I'm going to guess $1,500.
pkildow at gmail dot com
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